Tag Archives: stylist

Chi-Town Review

Hey everybody.  I just returned from the Windy City and had a great, time.  Soon after I arrived on Friday, my friends and I went to a movie theater downtown for a sold out screening of SATC.  At the theater, women where streaming in with their Louboutins and dressed to the nines at 4:00 in the afternoon no less.  I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself how excited everyone was.

Before the show, one group of twenty-something ladies caught my attention.

SATC Girls


This lady however, didn’t appear to get the memo.


Once in the movie, the theater was buzzing in anticipation.  I wish I could have taken more pictures, but I think my friends were a little embarrassed that I was approaching strangers to take their pictures.  But back to the movie. Once the music began, all the women started cheering and clapping.  It was pretty amusing.  My girlfriend said, “This is like Star Wars for women!”.   Then after an emotional roller coaster ride during the movie (I should have brought some extra make-up) the women once again cheered and clapped when the credits started to roll.

My verdict of the movie is that it was a lot of fun, but some parts of the story line were a little ridiculous and I was a bit disappointed with Carrie’s storyline.  (We can talk about the movie for those of you who have seen it, by leaving a comment.  So those of you who have not seen it, beware.)

The next day was filled with a lot of walking and shopping.  But with Chicago’s 10% sales tax, I had pretty tough criteria for my purchases. 😀

Lastly, I had to show you this funny store front that I came upon Sunday.  It’s for a city worker uniform shop.  It reminded me of photos that  Life In The Fashion Fast Lane features.  Apparently with the recession, this shop couldn’t afford a mannequin with all her appendages.

city worker

Well, the City was a blast, but it’s time to get back to work.  If you have any suggestions for a “Fashion Lesson” or theme for “Fashion Sensei Says…”, feel free to leave me a comment.

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Filed under Fashion, Fashion Sensei, movies, pop culture, Shoes, Style, television

Fashion Lesson #15 Crimes Of Fashion


Last week, I wrote about developing your own Signature Style.  Since then, it has come to my attention that I also need to discuss self editing. Therefore, I will profile 4 of the worst offenders and their fashion personalities:

She’s Bringin’ Sexy Back

This describes the woman who always wears clothes that are either too tight or are ill fitting. The inspiration for this post occurred when I went to thesalma_hayek gym last weekend. A woman checking in ahead of me was wearing a very low-cut, flesh toned tank top in which her breasts looked like they were fighting to escape.  The woman seemed to be oblivious that she needed to cover up.  The Sexy Back gal doesn’t know what’s appropriate and where.

Fashion Tip:  Get a professional fitting for a bra, Go up one size in your clothes and understand sexy is not looking slutty.  You can wear clothes that bear a little cleavage, just not all of it. One other thing, keep the butt cheeks under wraps too while you’re at it.  Think Salma Hayek when looking for a sexy style role model.

 Pack Rat


A client of mine recently asked me what the basic expiration is for clothes.  While not everything has an expiration date (i.e. vintage Chanel), in general, I would say about 2-3years.  That does not include timeless well tailored basics like a white blouse, black pants or jacket.  Understand that each year designers look for ways to update their collections to generate more sales for their companies.  Prime examples are the changing lengths of skirts, shapes of shoes (think wedge or pointed toes) or cuts on collars. 

So many of us keep things counting on the return of that fashion cycle.  But consider this, chances are you will be too old to wear that trend the next time it comes back around the fashion merry-go-round. 

Back in the 80’s, fluorescent T-Shirts, skinny jeans and half tops were considered really stylish.  That was 28 years ago.  Imagine how stupid I would look wearing a half top 28 years later (designer or otherwise). 

Fashion Tip:  You have to know when to let go.  If it is showing signs of wear or you haven’t worn it in 2 years get rid of it.  If you own quality jewelry or shoes from trends of yore, hold on to them and wear sparingly during the next cycle of that trend.  But also think about it this way, do you really want to hold on to all that stuff for another 20+ years?

The Fashion Experiment400_anorexic_survivor_cbs_071011

This is a woman who doesn’t like to play by the rules.  She likes to use pieces that were never meant for the purpose she is intending.  A prime example was the woman profiled on Buttercup Punch this week. She decided to wear a scarf for shirt (I doesn’t matter that it was a Chanel scarf).  Consider your shape, wearing a scarf for a shirt will either make you look like you are waiting in line for a smorgasbord with your bib ready or a contestant on Survivor.

There’s also those women who don’t understand formal wear vs. casual wear.  These ladies will put shoes that they wore in last summer’s wedding with a pair of shorts and casual top. 

Fashion Tip:  I embrace experimentation and so should you.  That being said, if you don’t have anything clean to wear, do the laundry; don’t start experimenting with household objects.  Try to step out of your comfort zone and try looks that you wouldn’t ordinarily.  For example, try a little bit of color or a pattern that is in proportion to your size.  It’s ok to try new things, but take it one piece at a time.

40 Going On 20

stan190 Did anyone see The Real Housewives of New York City?  Do you remember Ramona?  This woman’s young daughter had to tell her that she dresses too young.  Ramona actually snuck a lingerie looking top out of the house so her daughter (who hid it) wouldn’t find out.  How bad is that?  

Fashion Tip:I understand that 50 is the new 30, but you need to check yourself if you are over a certain age and still visiting the Junior section.  This is something that even I struggle with from time to time.  I really like youthful fashion (I own Little “RED” Riding hood Chuck Taylors), but there is a line.  As with the Fashion Experiment, you need to edit wisely.  Once you enter a new decade for your age, you need to limit the number of trendy pieces you wear at once. 

If you have any other Fashion Crime examples or better yet, pictures, feel free to leave a comment!

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Filed under Beauty, Fashion, Fashion Lesson, Fashion Sensei, pop culture, Style, television, Trends, Uncategorized, YouTube

Fashion Sensei Says…



Sale Away Until Memorial Day…

Barneys New York Private Sale, Save up to 40%

Victoria Secret Semi Annual Clothing Sale–  Save up to 50% off

Ann Taylor Loft– Save up to 70% off

Click here for a 20% off coupon for J.Crew this weekend.

Blue Fly Deal-A-Day, save an extra 15% off dresses today only.

e LUXURY Handbag & Shoe Sale, save up to 40%

Eco & Socially Conscious clothing coupons at White Apricot.



Go! International With Jonathan Saunders…

According to Nylon Magazine, British Designer Jonathan Saunders has been tapped to design a line in October for Target’s Go! International collection.

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Excuse Me, Is This High Heel Heaven?

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Seriously? Multi Tasking and Recycling All In One…



No Blind Eye To Fashion…

Barneys Co-OP has a fantastic new collection of diamond jewelry designed by fettY in braille.  You can find messages like “Yes”, “Mine” and “Tomorrow” along with various zodiac signs.

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If you enjoyed this post, be sure to SUBSCRIBE via RSS or EMAIL now so you don’t miss a thing!


Filed under Accessories, Coupons, Fashion, Fashion Sensei, retail, Shoes, Style, Trends

Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale


Heads up ladies, Nordstrom’s Half-Yearly Sale begins today.   If there is something that you have had your eye one for spring, today’s the day to get on down to your local Nordstrom.  Here’s a quick little preview of what’s on sale. 

(click on images for shopping information)


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Filed under Fashion, Fashion Sensei, retail, Shoes, Style, Trends

Happy Mother’s Day

Hi there and Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there.  It’s around 6:00am and that’s actually sleeping in considering my 3 yr old came in our room demanding a waffle and cartoons at 5:00am this morning…Happy Mother’s Day to me.

In honor of Mother’s Day, I thought I would show off my two little boys.  Recently they were asked by this amazing photographer at JoeyLulu’s to be in their spring campaign.  While they were not as excited as their mother about the opportunity, she was still able to get some wonderful shots.

Here’s some of the photo’s…


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Sorry, I couldn’t help but do a little bragging. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers who work so hard every day without a day off.  I hope you get a chance to kick back for just a few minutes.  And a special shout out to all the moms of special needs kids.  Although your kids don’t (or can’t) thank you, your love is more important than words can express.


Happy Mother’s Day!

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Filed under Love, Mother's Day, Photography