Mad About Mad Men


If you haven’t tuned in to Mad Men on AMC, you’re missing out.  Mad Men is set in the 1960’s at a fiercely competitive Madison Avenue advertising agency in New York City.  From the onset, one can’t help but be a little surprised by the dynamic of the men and women depicted during this era.  The men run around like dogs in heat and the secretaries are subjugated to sexual toys for their male counterpart’s amusement.  But it’s so much fun to watch!

While Mad Men is overtly politically incorrect by today’s standards, I’m fascinated by the complex characters, each of whom seems to be harboring an unethical secret of their own. 

Holding true to the time period, pregnant mothers are seen smoking and drinking, unseatbelted children climb from the back to front seats while their mother is driving and smoking cigarettes reign supreme.  It was this sort of behavior so acceptable to that era, that will have you asking yourself, “What are we doing now that will be considered so deplorable in 40 years?”  It certainly gets you thinking.

For the fashion lovers out there, you will not be disappointed.  Fantastic full skirts with petticoats, perfectly coiffured hair and sweater sets, all hide the dirty secrets that lie beneath; suffocating girdles, garters and the pointed bra.  And we complain about panty hose…

Ep10_04_MG_1578 Ep10_08_MG_1230

Ep104_02_MMep-104-020 08_ep106_MG_0335

Then there is the antithesis of the prim house wife and office girl; the bohemian artist…


After one season, this show has already made a big impact on fashion.  Michael Kors unveiled his Mad Men inspired Fall line this week with the following looks.


MKB0RJG_mn  MK-1QFK_mn


MK-1NYY_mp  MK-1NYQ_mp



Don’t forget that if you are going to wear one of the above form fitting dresses like that little purple number, you must wear some sort of shapeware.  My only exception would be if you are a size 2 and are absolutely without cellulite.  Proper foundation will give you a killer, smooth silhouette.

If you haven’t caught an episode of this fantastic show yet, it’s not too late.  Season one is out on DVD (and On Demand for you Comcast subscribers) and Season 2 is now underway (you have only missed one new episode).  The show is on AMC on Sunday nights.

Light up a cigarette, pour yourself an Old Fashioned and enjoy!


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Filed under Advertising, Beauty, Business, controversial, Fashion, fashion blogger, Fashion Sensei, Hair, Love, Marriage, Metro Detroit, pop culture, retail, runway, Style, television, Trends

4 responses to “Mad About Mad Men

  1. courtneyjonesphotography

    I’ll have to check it out.
    To say I love 60’s fashion would be an understatement. I wish we still had that “style”

  2. Oh god, my boyfriend and I have been completely sucked into that show and have plowed through the first season in about 4 days. For me, the best part is the clothes (duh) and I’ve made Joan my personal style icon. 🙂 It’s inspired me to get out my sewing machine again and try to use some old 60’s patterns I got off ebay. I’ll post the results.

  3. great show, great fashion. I’m a sucker for 60’s fashion

  4. Hi Kelly, thanks for the comment! I wish I could buy this whole collection. I need to win the Lotto! 😀

    Come back and visit again.

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